write my assignment 7229

Consider the following alternative pieces of code for simulating the departure of a vehicle at the exit from a road. They both work.

// version apublic void departureEvent( float time, Vehicle v ) {Simulation.schedule(time,(float t)->destination.arrivalEvent( t, v ));}// version bpublic void departureEvent( float time, Vehicle v ) {destination.arrivalEvent( time, v )}

a) Which solution will lead to more efficient code and why? (0.5 points)

b) Consider the following actions during the execution of this code:

  1. entry to the intersection’s arrival event service routine
  2. exit from the interesection’s arrival event service routine
  3. entry to the road’s departure event service routine
  4. exit from the road’s departure event service routine

Give the order of these actions as they occur with version a and with version b.

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